Just A Quick Hello, And A Few Thoughts.

I know I keep promising to get back into things, but the chores just keep on comin’! I’m hoping to get back into the whole blogosphere over the weekend, so until then, I’ll thank all of you for your continued patience, a random thought, and a little rhyme.

I was watching The Daily Show earlier today (kudos to John Oliver, he’s doing a pretty good job standing in for Jon Stewart) and realised that the censors bleeped part of the word “asshole” – the “hole” part. Really? So you CAN be an ass to a censor, just don’t be an asshole. Kinda like they way they’re handling “God damn” these days, by bleeping “God”. It’s refreshing to know that even the supposed “conscience” of television can have a screwed-up world view where God and holes are obscenities, but asses and damns aren’t. 😯

And because NOTHING can happen this week without some mention of the Royal Baby, here’s my little addition – a tribute to both the little one, and his beloved much-missed grandmother:

As we welcome the new boy prince
And in his parents’ joy share,
I can’t but help to think about
The grandmother who isn’t there.

And yet, when we first caught sight
Of the new little baby that day,
I couldn’t almost see the Lady’s smile,
And knew all would be okay.

So welcome to the world, little George.
May fortune favour all you do.
And when life seems just too hard,
You have your own angelic guard
To always help you through.

See y’all soon! 😀

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9 Responses to Just A Quick Hello, And A Few Thoughts.

  1. 1jaded1 says:

    Censorship at its best…boo censorship.

  2. benzeknees says:

    What a beautiful little poem for baby George!

  3. benzeknees says:

    Reblogged this on benzeknees and commented:
    Trust John Erickson to remind us of the grandmother who isn’t there but very much missed!

  4. Sweet… but I had to cross out about half of it… for content.

  5. aFrankAngle says:

    Good poem with a nice touch reference to Diana. Your censorship take helps show that chores haven’t driven away your wit.

  6. I love George carlins 7 words bit! Censor this!!!

  7. padresteve says:

    John, Hope you are well my friend…

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