In This Season

  In this season of love, light, family, gifts, and warmth, we should remember that there are many who find no joy in this world. For too many, especially children, Christmas is just another day. So I ask you to remember that,

In This Season:

A Christmas tree is nothing more than a filthy metal pole topped by a glaring orange streetlight.
Snowflakes are concrete dust from blasted buildings and ash from fires.
A feast is a watery soup or a cup of thin tea.
Holiday lights are strings of tracer rounds crisscrossing in the night sky.
Candles aren’t festive, but the only source of light and heat.

In this season, we strive to be at our best. But why for just one day, or one week? The spirit of this season, regardless of faith or creed, should be our everyday goal, not something we drag out and dust off once a year.

So I will wish you all the best of the season, whatever holidays you follow. May the light and love of this season be yours, and I wish you and your loved ones all the best. And please, think of those who are less fortunate than you, and as always, please remember all those who stand guard during this season to guard our celebrations, and may they all come home, soon and safe.

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5 Responses to In This Season

  1. tom says:

    Merry Christmas you

  2. tom says:

    Merry Christmas to the word master

  3. GP says:

    All the very best, John!

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