An Unplanned Unload.

Some of you may have noticed I’ve been less omnipresent on your blogs, and quite quiet here. I thought I’d just give you a little insight into what’s up.

(WARNING! Small children, pregnant women, and people with weak constitutions should NOT read this post without supervision! ALL OTHERS are STRONGLY cautioned!)

From time to time, my “situation” in life starts to overwhelm me. So much to do around the house, so many things to fix, so many snowfalls to shovel from home and church, and on and on. And no money to do any of it – car repairs postponed, prescriptions pushed off, sore muscles overstrained. It all gets to be a bit much – and I just need to step back, and find some way to divert myself.

Usually the blog world is enough – more so, with having started my own. But occasionally, even that’s not enough. I can’t afford a physical vacation, so I have to settle for a mental one. Read up on all the radial aircraft engines built during World War 1. Re-acquaint myself with one of the games of my teens and 20s, be it building a better armed car or space going battleship. Weird, yeah – but that’s me.

However, in taking these little “holidays”, I need to disconnect from all you out there. Not willingly, but out of necessity. And so, you may find yourselves deprived of my feeble attempts at wit and my silly little stories. Trust me – it’s nothing personal. It’s the age-old “it’s not you, it’s me” speech, except it really IS me. 🙂

So, I may be quiet in the upcoming days. If you go a few days without hearing from me, don’t worry, I’m still following you, and will respond. If I get to some of you and not others, I’m not playing favourites, I’m just hitting those posts for which I feel some inspiration. And in all cases, I will DEFINITELY be back – I love y’all WAY too much to stay away long.

Take care, all, and in the words of that great ego … er … General, MacArthur, “I shall return”. Until then, you might want to keep your head down – stray shots are a REAL pain…. 😉

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53 Responses to An Unplanned Unload.

  1. unfetteredbs says:

    and I shall be waiting 🙂

  2. fasab says:

    Understood. Will look forward to the return.

  3. aFrankAngle says:

    Take as much time as you need … and no worries about me getting you behind. 😉

  4. Elyse says:

    Feel better, work out the kinks, come back when you want to. Sometimes we all need a break! I am thinking of doing the same. Feel better, relax and enjoy.

  5. Hang tough, sir. We’ll miss you. Holler if you want to talk planes or war as a diversion from your daily grind.

    • Thanks, Madame. We’ll see where I end up – last time, I started with “Car Wars” (armed autos from the 2030s) and ended up on WW1 rotary engines. This time I’m starting with approx. 3000AD starships, so who KNOWS where I’ll end up! 😀

  6. El Guapo says:

    It’s a pleasure to see you whenever you come around.
    And delving away at minutiae in a well written book is a great way to relax.

    • Book? I can’t handle books – I go right to “design ’em yourself” role-playing games. Major character flaw from my youth that I’ve never been able to shake. It’s kinda sad when some REALLY unbelievable crap comes on the TV, and I mutter “roll against intelligence at -4 to disbelieve.” (The only thing sadder is that my wife gets the reference! 😀 )

  7. tom says:

    Enjoyu the R & R. Don’t be too much of a slave to the To Do list 🙂

  8. Deborah the Closet Monster says:

    Oh, how I understand this! I’ll miss you while you’re gone, even being gone-ish myself, but hope the time brings you peace and some of the mirth you spread to others with your fabulous words in the blogosphere.

    • Oh, the recharge is going pretty well – in between bouts of shoveling today. I ran both the A/C and dehumidifier on Tuesday. Tomorrow’s high will barely reach 20. JANE! STOP THIS CRAZY THING! 😀

  9. I’ll grant you the leave, after all you are part of the staff of Doggy’s Style Magazine.
    We’ll be waiting anxiously for your return, take the time you need to relax, we’ll be thinking of you in here (damnnnn a song just pop in my head, I’m sorry but I’ll have to add the link, I said I was sorry damn it! ), you know you are one of our favorites.

    hahahaha the video is so random, swear to god that I don’t even know why or how it cam to be lol

  10. This may make no sense but i gotta say it: Good luck in Nashville! You the man!

  11. whiteladyinthehood says:

    Just take good care of yourself – that is all that matters!

  12. Hang in there, John! Take care of yourself.

  13. Take all the time you and the voices in your head need no-hio! We, your faithful, will be here! Hope you are feeling better soon!

    • I will, Jamie. Most of ’em are starting to fall back in line. There’s a new group starting up in the right hip that are gonna be trouble, but I might just plant my bare backside in the snow and show ’em!
      (Ooo, sorry for that horrific image! 😯 )

  14. Will be thinking of you 🙂

  15. benzeknees says:

    Of course, we’ll miss you, but you take the time you need! I haven’t been writing for about a week now because hubby’s driving me absolutely freakin nuts! I can’t stand having him around all day/7 days a week/24 hours a day! I can’t write because he keeps interrupting me or nagging me to do something else! I need to continue on Hotspur’s birthday story & I can’t. So if you have a little extra time & would like to do some research for me – could you find out how long it would take a shuttle to fly to the space station?

    • Sorry I’m just getting to this. I kinda screwed up, put a whole bunch of read-notices in a side folder. Oops! Did you find out the timing for the shuttle? And more importantly, I sincerely hope it was for your Hotspur story, and NOT plans for hubby?

      • benzeknees says:

        You’ll be happy to know the information I was looking for was for the Hotspur story for which I have not written one other word since you left for your short interlude. Hubby finally got another job & started last Tuesday, so I have a little bit more time for writing & maybe I can get back to it again. So if you’re in the mood to do the search, I’ll try to write it into the story – but it’s not vital because in another post not long after, Hotspur claimed to have a cell phone which can reach the ISS. Welcome back John! I Missed You!

      • A cell phone that can reach the ISS? Dang, he’s GOOD! We can’t even get cell reception here in town!
        As for time for the shuttle to get there, in light of SpaceX’s problems, I gotta ask – travel time assuming everything works right? 😀

      • benzeknees says:

        What would be the times in both cases? Maybe I need to do a little twist by giving them some problems?

      • If all goes well, it takes about two days – it’s only a few minutes (around 10) to get to orbit altitude, but the shuttle slowly closes on the ISS, so they take a while – and do a bunch of house-keeping en route, including checking out the tiles. Coming back, you could be on the ground in around an hour if you pushed it, though (again) they usually take a day or two to come down. Be kind, keep it trouble-free, unless you want the problem to be PART of the story!

      • benzeknees says:

        Thanks John! Very helpful! I appreciate your efforts!

      • No problem, glad to be of help!

  16. nonnie9999 says:

    i’ll get you a blankey and get you some hot chocolate. 😉 take as long as you need, and we’ll be here waiting for you. hugs! ♥

  17. Elyse says:

    Hey John, I’ve been thinking of you. Hope you’re doing well (or better). XXXX Elyse

  18. JSD says:

    Please know that we all understand. Many of us have also taken a step back and gone on a blogging diet for similar reasons. Take care of yourself. We’ll be here when you return. 🙂

  19. BrainRants says:

    Don’t worry John, we’ll all be here waiting for you in a good L-shaped ambush. Be well, my friend.

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