3 Things For Today, And Salute to MLK.

Just a few things, to let y’all know I am really still out here.

1) Later today, swing by Rarasaur’s blog, for another of my wacky adventures in the world of science-fiction conventions: http://rarasaur.wordpress.com/2013/01/21/guest-post-john-erickson-learns-a-lesson/ And a big “thank you” to her, for allowing my insanity to temporarily inundate her world.

2) Benzeknees recently awarded me a pair of blog awards. Benze, I’m sorry, but things remain somewhat chaotic on the homefront – but I WILL properly post the awards and write you an appropriate response. Hang in there!

3) I still owe the lovely and talented Madame Weebles a birthday salute. You will get something truly worthy of your salute to me, Madame – even if it’s for your NEXT birthday! 😀

And finally, spare a moment for Martin Luther King on this day named after him. And more importantly, don’t just remember, don’t just read or watch or think about him – get out and DO something, whether you share your time or money or just of yourself. We should not think in terms of race, colour, gender, or sexual orientation. “All one are we,/ This humanity./ When we see each other,/ Not as one thing or other,/ But simply as “we”,/ Then all shall be truly, be free”.

See ya ’round the Interwebs!

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20 Responses to 3 Things For Today, And Salute to MLK.

  1. tom says:

    Excellent suggestions for MLK salute. But I might guess that like most Holidays, all most folks do is take the day off.

  2. Elyse says:

    Wonderful MLK words, John.

  3. unfetteredbs says:

    you are simply wonderful my friend.

  4. aFrankAngle says:

    Great suggestion for MLK Day … and congrats on another guest blogger gig … you are a legend!

  5. Aren’t WE great?
    I loved the post that WE put over Rara’s.
    Really nice, you are a star.

  6. As Tonto said to The Lone Ranger after he announced they were surrounded and would be killed by Indians, “What you mean WE, white man?” 😉 😀

  7. You do exist…you’re like big foot…only seen sometimes and nobody believes them anyway!

  8. Archon's Den says:

    I call a Sasquatch..my son, or, The Bear. All this going on, and you want to discuss spy-sat photos? You don’t have enough Time to be famous. 😕

    • Yeah, between commenting on blogs, writing blogs, designing space-going battleships, feeding a wood furnace, schlepping water due to our dying well pump, and trying to keep a house twice as old and four times crankier than I am, I just CAN’T be famous! I’d have to have somebody who was smart (like me), creative (like me), willing to work (UNLIKE me), and willing to work for bupkis (unlike … well … everybody!). I don’t think the world is ready for a 2nd me – especially one with ambition! :p 😀
      By the by, ever thought of mixing a little Nair into your son’s shampoo? Dial the hirsute factor down a few notches? 😉

  9. whiteladyinthehood says:

    Very, very nice salute for Martin Luther King Day.

  10. benzeknees says:

    It’s OK John, I’m just getting caught up on past posts myself! I know you are busy & you’ve been suffering – there are no time limits on accepting awards, do them when you can. I know you appreciate being nominated & that’s enough for me.

    • Thanks for your patience, my good lady. I will respond (soon, I hope), as I have a particular person I want to pass one of those awards to. I think you’ll approve when you see who! 😉

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